Sep 07, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Financial Information - Undergraduates


Tuition, Housing, and Food - Traditional Undergraduates

For a traditional undergraduate resident student, the average basic cost of attending Asbury University is $44,444 for a full year (Fall/Spring semesters). Additional expenses such as course fees, books, laundry, and spending money are not included in the basic cost total. Visit for the Net Price Calculator. The schedule of basic costs is as follows:

Undergraduate Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Costs

Wilmore Campus Undergraduates

TUITION Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Year
12-18 credit hours $16,536 $16,536 $33,072
less than 12 hours $1,272 per hour $1,272 per hour  
more than 18 hours
$16,536 + $918 per hour over 18
$16,536 + $918 per hour over 18  
Required for all traditional undergraduates registered for 8 or more hours    


 For Summer Semester Costs see below.

FOOD^ Fall 2024  Spring 2025 Year
20 Meals per week $1,989 $1,989 $3,978
205 Meals per semester $1,989 $1,989 $3,978
14 Meals per week $1,834 $1,834 $3,668
160 Meals per semester $1,834 $1,834 $3,668
7 Meals per week (Apartment residents only)  $   980 $   980 $1,960
90 Meals per semester (Apartment residents only) $   980 $   980 $1,960

^See the Community Life Handbook at for meal plan descriptions and requirements.

HOUSING* Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Year
Single room $3,713 $3,713 $7,426
Double room $3,413 $3,413 $6,826
Triple room $3,060 $3,060 $6,120
Quad room $2,916 $2,916 $5,832
Aldersgate I Apartment (4 per apartment) $4,737 $4,737 $9,474
Aldersgate II Apartment (8 per apartment) $4,302 $4,302 $8,604

*Housing - Single Occupancy

In any residence hall, a student who requests an assignment as a single in a double room and is approved for that assignment will pay the single room charge.

Housing - Connectivity

  • Both wireless and wired network connections are provided in each residence room. Students should not bring their own wireless routers or wireless repeaters because they interfere with the University wireless network.
1 Bedroom Apartment $2,210 per semester, plus utilities
2 Bedroom Apartment $2,720 per semester, plus utilities

Because of fluctuating economic conditions, all costs and fees are subject to change without notice.

^See General Student Fees and Course Fees that may apply.

Insurance and Health Services for Wilmore Campus Undergraduates

  1. Traditional undergraduates enrolled for 12 or more credit hours and part-time students living in on-campus housing, are required by Asbury University to carry minimum medical insurance. Current health insurance information must be submitted online as part of Financial Registration before the first day of the semester. Non-citizen undergraduate students who do not enter private policy details will be enrolled in a student insurance plan. Additional information is available on the Asbury University website by searching University International Student Insurance Plan.
  2. Many of the services at the Health Services Clinic are free. If the student needs to be referred to a specialist, a lab or any outside doctor, the student is personally responsible for the resulting charges.

Traditional Undergraduate Deposits

Pre-Tuition Payment

New students must pay $200 as an indication of intention to enroll for the fall or spring semester. This Pre-Tuition deposit is refundable until May 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring semester.

Housing Damage Deposit

Students residing in Asbury non-traditional housing are assessed an apartment damage deposit, equal to one month rent. This deposit will remain in reserve until the student ceases to reside in campus housing, at which time it will be returned, provided the apartment passes final inspection for damage and all utility bills have been paid.

International Student Deposit

All first year or incoming international students must remit prior to registration a deposit of not less than $2,500 USD in order to begin the process of receiving their I-20 documents for the F-1 student visa. Of the $2,500 USD deposit, $2,000 USD is refundable if the student later decides not to enroll. The remaining first semester’s balance is due in its entirety no later than the first day of classes.

Costs for ROTC

Students who enroll in ROTC may incur other costs specifically associated with the ROTC program. Students who are required to register for ROTC courses that cause their course load to go above the 12-18 credit hour tuition block are not charged the overload tuition.

Costs for Auditors

The cost to people auditing a course who are not full-time degree-seeking students is $40 per credit hour for the audited course. Auditors will pay all required course fees. Full-time undergraduate students paying full-time tuition for 12 or more hours may add an audited class for no per credit hour charge. See Academic Information for Undergraduates  for ‘Requesting to Audit a Course’.

Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver

  • Students enrolled in the Traditional Undergraduate program in an on-campus course who are at least 62 years of age and who are U.S. citizens may receive a waiver of tuition for a maximum of 4.0 credits of on-campus courses per academic semester (including summer). This does not apply to Online Undergraduate (APS) or Graduate program registrations.
  • The following stipulations apply:

(1) The waiver includes only tuition and does not apply to course fees or other fees;
(2) To take a class for credit: all pre-requisites and requirements must be met;
(3) To audit a class: all rules and limitations for auditing courses apply, but the $40 per credit hour audit cost is waived;
(4) Housing must be secured off campus.

  • Senior citizens auditing classes are not required to submit final official transcripts for admission as an auditor. Those taking courses for credit are required to submit all final official transcripts as part of the admission process.
  • Senior Citizens follow all regular registration procedures and deadlines.


Traditional Undergraduate Summer School 2025 Costs

All other course fees and miscellaneous fees apply according to the 2024-2025 fall-spring schedule.  No Food Services offered in Summer Semester.

Tuition for all classes $552 per semester hour
With on campus enrollment:    
Room - Aldersgate Apartments II 4-week session $911 per session


1 Bedroom Apartment $884 per 2-month period, plus utilities
2 Bedroom Apartment $1,088 per 2-month period, plus utilities
2 Bedroom Duplex $908-$978 per 2-month period, plus utilities

Because of fluctuating economic conditions, all costs and fees are subject to change without notice.

Asbury Academy Dual Enrollment Tuition

Asbury Academy Fall 2024, Spring 2025 cost = $93 per credit hour^

Asbury University offers Academy classes on-campus to local students.

  • Qualified high school juniors and seniors may take on-campus courses at the current Academy rate, up to 15 credit hours per fall/spring semester.
  • Asbury Academy students may be eligible to apply the Kentucky Dual Credit Scholarship and Work Ready Scholarship funds toward dual credit tuition.
  • Local high school seniors** are eligible to receive a tuition waiver for one on-campus course, not to exceed four (4) credit hours, in the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • On-Campus Academy students must be able to provide their own transportation.
  • On Campus enrollment, if taking 12.0 hours or more, requires emergency contacts and/or proof of medical insurance.

Asbury University also offers Academy classes online.

  • High school juniors and seniors may take online courses at the current Academy rate. The Academy tuition waiver does not apply to online courses.
  • Students choose from select online 100- and 200-level classes.
  • Most online classes are offered in an 7-week intensive format. Due to the concentrated nature of these classes, a student may only be enrolled in one online course at a time.
  • Academy students may take two consecutive online courses each fall/spring semester. Academy students may not take classes during the summer term.

Asbury Academy students are required to meet the same course prerequisites in order to register for the undergraduate classes

^Subject to change at any time as determined by the State of Kentucky.

**Local students include homeschool, public, and private school students living within 30 miles of Asbury University’s Wilmore campus and attending on-campus classes.

See General Student Fees and Course Fees for other fees that may apply.


Online Undergraduate Program (APS) Tuition

Tuition Per Semester

Fall 2024 Semester enrollment $399 per credit hour*^
Spring 2025 Semester enrollment $399 per credit hour*^
Summer 2025 Semester enrollment $399 per credit hour*^

*APS Students taking 12 or more credits will be charged a Technology Fee in the amount of $50.

^See General Student Fees and Course Fees that may apply.


General Fees for All Students in Undergraduate Classes

ID Card Replacement Fee $15
Late financial registration $37

Miscellaneous Fees and Services for ALL students

  1. Throughout the school year, students may incur additional charges from several different areas. It is recommended that all miscellaneous charges be paid at the time/location incurred. In most cases, any charge that is not paid to the appropriate department by the end of each semester will be transferred to the student’s account. A $5 service fee is assessed for each transaction applied to the student’s account. Some of the areas that have miscellaneous charges are mentioned below, although this is not an exhaustive list.
  2. Students are permitted to purchase books at the AU Virtual Bookstore using a charge voucher. These purchases will be charged to the student’s account.
  3. Library and Media charges for overdue books and unreturned materials should be paid at the Library. Parking fines should be paid at the Cashier’s Office.
  4. All students are given a university email account as the preferred email communication with the university.
  5. Any student can bring their computer to campus and use the network. Asbury University supports standard Ethernet networking cards.

Other Academic Related Charges

Traditional Undergraduate

External/Off Campus Program Fee - $500 per fall/spring semester
External/Off Campus Program Fee - $200 per summer term
Language Purchased Institutional Credit Fee - $20 per credit hour
Horseback Riding Purchased Institutional Credit Fee - $20 per credit hour

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) - Online Undergraduate Program (APS) only

For Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) the University may assess a portfolio evaluation fee for credit hours applied for at the following rates:

  1-9 credits $  30 per credit
  10-19 credits $300 flat fee
  20-24 credits $600 flat fee

See Academic Information for Undergraduates  for ‘Credit for Prior Learning’.

Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony Regalia

Regalia is ordered as part of the graduation application process.

For Traditional Undergraduate Program only - commencement cap & gown are ordered for the students at no extra charge, for the purchase is covered by student activity fees.

Undergraduate Course Fees

Certain courses are subject to a fee. Such courses include the notation “Fee” in their course description. Students who withdraw from a course after the end of the Drop/Add period do not receive a reduction to tuition or fees. The specific fees are as follows:

Undergraduate Course Fees Charged Per Credit Hour
ART all classes, except ART 100  and ART 396   $ 22/cr.  
INS 201 , INS 211 , INS 411 , 999 private lessons $421/cr.  
MC and MCA all classes $ 18/cr.  
ORG 201 , ORG 211 , ORG 411 , 999 private lessons $421/cr.  
PNO 201 , PNO 211 , PNO 411 , 999 private lessons $421/cr.  


Specific Undergraduate Course Flat Fees Charged Per Individual Course
ACC 361 ACA 361   $ 34  
AEL 110   $ 20  
AEL 200 , AEL 221   $ 500  
AEL 220   $ 700  
AEL 305   $ 50  
AEL 350   $ 500  
AEL 370   $ 100  
AEL 380   $ 150  
AEL 382 , AEL 400   $ 50  
AEL 415   $ 100  
AEL 420   $ 200  
ART 100   $ 18  
ART 396   $ 500  
BIO all labs $ 110  
BU 261 , BUA 261   $ 29  
CCE 150   $ 35  
CHE all labs $ 110  
COM 200   $ 15  
COM 281   $ 25  
COM 431   $ 15  
CSC 115 CSC 300 , CSC 310 , CSC 320 , CSC 330 , CSC 400 , CSC 410   $ 20  
EAS 100 , EAS 102   $ 45  
ED & EDA - all courses $ 20  
ED 200 , EDA 200  (in addition to $20 fee above) $ 139  
ED 201 , EDA 201  (in addition to $20 fee above) $ 139  
EM 401   $ 75  
ENA 360   $ 20  
ENS 111 , ENS 131 , ENS 151 , ENS 161 , ENS 171   $ 5  
EQ 102 , EQ 200 , EQ 201 , EQ 206 ,   $ 45  
EQ 208 ,EQ 245   $ 150  
EQ 251   $ 200  
EQ 257 , EQ 258 , EQ 259   $ 100  
EQ 305 , EQ 310   $ 45  
EQ 311   $ 150  
EQ 320   $ 45  
EQ 353 , EQ 354 , EQ 355 , EQ 356   $ 200  
EQ 451   $ 100  
EXS 371   $ 30  
EXS 420  Lab, EXS 431  Lab $ 30  
HED 231   $ 20  
HED 312   $ 15  
ICS 340   $ 150  
ID 202 , IDA 202   $ 50  
ID 212 , IDA 212   $ 50  
ID 410 , IDA 410   $ 50  
JRN 207   $ 11  
JRN 214   $ 54  
JRN 333  (specific trip itinerary may increase fee) $ 500  
JRN 343   $ 64  
JRN 374   $ 54  
LA 100   $ 50  
MAT 130   $ 30  
MAT 308 , MAT 309   $ 85  
MAT 361 , MAT 362   $ 85  
MAT 371   $ 85  
MAT 462 , MAT 463   $ 85  
MKT 345   $ 30  
MKT 443   $ 10  
MTA online math education courses (MTA 308 MTA 309 ) $ 85  
MUS 200   $ 125  
PE 111   $ 15  
PE 128  - Recreational Horseback Riding $ 120  
PE 130 , PE 131 , PE 230  - Horseback Riding for Equine majors/minors $ 200  
PE 152   $ 75  
PE 280 , PE 300   $ 5  
PED 360 , PED 361   $ 20  
PHP 302   $ 350  
PHY labs $ 80  
PS 300   $ 700  
PSY 315   $ 15  
PSY 352   $ 20  
PSY 373   $ 15  
PSY 436   $ 15  
RCT 280   $ 352  
SOC 322   $ 85  
SOC 323   $ 150  
SW 390   $ 5  
THA 101 , THA 150   $ 25  
THA 113 , THA 215 , THA 262   $ 95  
THA 225 , THA 325 , THA 371 , THA 391   $ 50  
THA 332   $ 25  
THA 363   $ 50  
UNV 120   $ 60  
UNV 205 , UNV 305   $ 20  
VOC 100   $ 25  
VOC 101   $ 421  
VOC 102   $ 842  
VOC 104   $ 50  
VOC 111 , VOC 201 , VOC 211 , VOC 411  half-hour Lessons $ 491  
VOC 112 , VOC 202 , VOC 212 , VOC 412  one-hour Lessons $ 912  
VOC 422   $ 982  
WA 211   $ 20  
WA 330   $ 25  
YM 380   $ 375  

Payment Information

The academic year is divided into three sessions: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

After Academic Registration each semester, traditional undergraduate students must complete Financial Registration on the Asbury portal. All selection items must be completed to ensure accurate charges. Students not completing Financial Registration by the first day of each semester may be assessed a late registration fee of $37. Review charges on the Asbury Portal “Term Billing Summary’. The Amount Due is determined using the following calculation based on pending charges and financial aid to date: 

Amount Due = Total Pending Charges and Discounts - Total Financial Aid and Payments

Student Employment, including work study, is not calculated in the Estimated Net Charges, which is the amount used to estimate the Payment in Full or payment plan contract amount. Student Loans and Outside Scholarships will be included in the calculation only if they have been confirmed and approval has been submitted to and processed by the Financial Aid Office.

Note: Checks for church match and scholarships are considered as financial aid and should be mailed to the Financial Aid Office.

The student is responsible for ensuring payment of tuition, fees, and all other debts to the University is made in a timely manner. All miscellaneous charges should be paid at the location where incurred to avoid service charges.

Payment Options

PAYMENT IN FULL - Payment in full of Term Billing Summary AMOUNT DUE is due on the first day of each semester. Any unpaid balance is subject to interest and late fees.

All students will be enrolled in the Payment in Full option unless they enroll in a TRANSACT Installment Payment Plan (explained below) during the financial registration period.

PAYMENT PLAN - Students will receive email notification prior to each semester enrollment period with detailed instructions for enrolling in a TRANSACT installment payment plan. The Term Billing Summary AMOUNT DUE, or any portion you choose, may be divided over 4 or 5 equal monthly payments. Payments are due to TRANSACT by the last business day of each month. TRANSACT charges a non-refundable application fee of $35 per semester to enroll in an installment payment plan.

The payment plan incurs no interest charge but may incur a late fee from TRANSACT if payment is not received by the due date. After missing the second payment, the account will be removed from the TRANSACT payment plan, and the balance will become due immediately to Asbury University. Any unpaid balance is subject to interest and late fees.

Student Financial Responsibility

Students must sign a Statement of Financial Responsibility each semester. It is expected that when a student electronically acknowledges a financial agreement to pay all tuition and fees, the student is pledging to faithfully fulfill all financial obligations to the University. The University reserves the right to take whatever steps are necessary for those who default on payment. Diplomas and official transcripts are not released until all academic and financial obligations to the University are satisfied.

Policy on Unpaid Balances

  1. Students must pay all previous balances before registering for a subsequent semester.
  2. If a student’s account is unpaid at graduation, the diploma/transcript is withheld until such payment is made.
  3. Academic transcripts and diplomas will be released to:
    1. non-enrolled students only when (1) the student account is paid in full and (2) University loans are being paid on schedule.
    2. currently enrolled students when either: (1) the student account is paid in full, or (2) the student is fulfilling the terms of their particular Payment Plan and all requirements of the Financial Aid Office have been fulfilled.
  4. Late charges and Student Account registration holds will not be applied to students for the portion of charges covered by VA education benefits under Chapter 31 or 33. Students will not be required to borrow additional funds to cover a balance caused by delayed disbursement funding from VA under Chapter 31 or 33.

Reduction in Charges Related to Withdrawal from the University

[For official withdrawal procedures, please see Undergraduate ”Withdrawal from the University” in Academic Resources for All Students .]

  1. The Registrar’s Office documents the student’s official date of withdrawal and the remaining academic weeks registered in the semester based on the official withdrawal procedures. (The official date of withdrawal is determined by the student’s date of notification to the Registrar’s Office.)
    • Total ‘ACADEMIC WEEKS’ equals the count of weeks from the first class start date to the last class end date registered on the student’s schedule for the semester.
    • The ‘COMPLETED WEEKS’ equals the count of weeks from first class start date through the week of the student’s official withdrawal from the university.
    • (ACADEMIC WEEKS - COMPLETED WEEKS) / ACADEMIC WEEKS x 100 = percentage of semester remaining.
  2. Pending charges will be removed for students who withdraw from the University within the official Drop/Add period.
  3. After the Drop/Add period any reductions to charges will be calculated using the criteria above for academic weeks and completed weeks.
  4. Course fees, lab fees, or student activity fees will not be reduced for withdrawal after the Drop/Add period.
  5. Student Accounts will use the percentage of semester remaining provided by the Registrar’s Office to determine any reduction in tuition after the Drop/Add period.
  6. Student Accounts will calculate any reduction to housing and meal charges on a pro-rata basis from the date at which the assigned room is vacated, the official checkout procedure is complete, and the key returned to the resident director.
  7. The student will be charged a withdrawal fee of 5% of total charges not to exceed $100.00.
  8. Financial Aid will base any reduction in aid on the date the student requested to withdraw or the midpoint of the enrollment/payment period if the student stopped attending without notification, which may differ from the official withdrawal date. Refer to “Financial Aid Refunds ” in the Financial Assistance section for the policy used to return financial aid to the source.
  9. Refunds cannot be made to the student until all awards are withdrawn, adjusted or applied to the account.
  10. Students who withdraw or are dismissed from the University must complete an application for readmission and be readmitted before being permitted to register again.