Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Academic Resources for All Students

Academic Calendar and Credit Hours

Asbury University operates under a semester calendar. All course credit hours are in semester hours.

Definition of Credit Hour

Asbury University has established the credit hour to be represented by minutes of guided faculty instruction and minutes of student work across all forms of instructional delivery resulting in equivalent learning opportunity.

Asbury University’s definition of the credit hour observes the principles set forth in the federal definition and is the unit used in assigning course credits. Work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement is equivalent to:

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in point (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practicums, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Academic Program Levels and Degrees Offered

  • Traditional Undergraduate [TUG] - primarily on campus, face-to-face classes with some classes or sections offered online. Offering the Associates of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, and also the Bachelor of Science for non-foreign language education majors as well as a select few specific other majors.
  • Asbury Academy - high school students, prior to high school graduation, are admitted to the Academy, making them eligible to take classes with and follow the policies of the traditional undergraduate level [TUG].
  • Online Undergraduate Program [APS] (formerly Adult Professional Studies) - adult learners, fully online classes. Offering the Associate of Science and Bachelor of Science.
  • Graduate Studies [GRAD] - Online graduate programs, depending on degree and program occasional on campus requirements. Degrees offered in Business (Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Accounting), Media Communication (Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Communication, Master of Fine Arts) and Education (Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Education Specialist).

Asbury University Email Account for Official Communication 

The student’s Asbury email is the official means of communication between students and the offices and faculty at Asbury University. An Asbury email account will be created for all students; the required log in identifies communications as being from the student. Students are responsible for reviewing and responding to emails in a timely manner. Students should pay close attention to email from the offices of Registrar, Financial Aid, or Student Accounts; these are often time sensitive.

Becoming a Student in an Asbury Program

  1. In order to become an Asbury University student in any program with access to class registration, students must have applied, completed all admissions requirements, and been confirmed as “accepted and final” by the appropriate admissions office for that program. Students must submit all official transcripts and documents to be fully admitted.
  2. Selection of a program level determines admissions requirements, program costs, financial aid availability, and academic calendar, as well as availability of specific courses, majors, programs, and degrees.
  3. Students are considered “Active” in only one program level or one graduate program at a time.
  4. When moving from one of the four program levels to another, or from one graduate program to another, students must apply to and meet all the requirements for acceptance into the new program.
  5. When applying to move to another program, the start and end dates of any registered classes in the current program and the future program may not overlap.
  6. Students who complete an associate’s degree must reapply to take additional courses or to continue a bachelor’s degree; students who complete a graduate degree must reapply to take additional courses or to start a second graduate degree.

Go to Asbury.edu Admissions to apply for one of our programs:

Traditional Undergraduate

Asbury Academy for high school students

Online Undergraduate Program (APS)

Graduate Studies

Academic Resources

Academic Advising

The role of the academic advisor is to aid students in the choice of courses as well as to provide general guidance. The academic advisor should normally be the person of first recourse for a student who needs help in any area of adjustment to University life. Prior to each semester’s registration, students should discuss a proposed schedule with a faculty advisor in the major to review the semester’s class choices. The purpose of this personal attention is to help students make successful academic progress toward graduation.

  • All students are assigned a faculty member as an academic advisor based upon the student’s program and major field of study.
  • Traditional undergraduate students who are undecided in their major will be advised by the Coordinator of New Student Advising.
  • The APS Advising Center provides a contact point for adult learners in the APS program online. All APS undergraduates, and especially those who are undecided majors, should contact the APS Advising Center as an additional resource. Email: advisingcenter@asbury.edu
  • All graduate program students will be assigned an advisor within the program entered. All steps in the graduate program will be accomplished in consultation with the advisor. It is the responsibility of the graduate student to become thoroughly informed about the general regulations and policies governing the master’s program. The graduate student is also responsible for completing all program requirements within the permitted time limit.
  • The Office of the Registrar is available to all university students for general help and advising on academics-related issues.

Center for Academic Excellence

The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE), located on the lower level of Kinlaw Library, exists to support students across all academic disciplines. On campus, students are offered free academic support through the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) - writing support and tutoring services. Fee-based tutoring is available for Academy students. Online students in the APS program and Graduate program are offered free academic support through the CAE - writing support and tutoring services. Students can request tutoring and other academic support services at any time during a semester through the CAE website, asbury.edu/academics/cae or by emailing: writingcenter@asbury.edu or tutoring@asbury.edu. Contact the CAE office, (859) 858-3511 ext. 2197, or your program office for details.

Academic Accessibility Resources

Academic Accessibility Resources (AAR) provides reasonable academic accommodations for students with disabilities in accordance with the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA). AAR offers academic accommodations on a case-by-case basis depending on student self-report, past history of need, and current need of academic accommodations. Even though the AAR reserves the right to request supporting documentation for requested services, we encourage students to meet with our AAR Director as soon as possible because accommodations are not retroactive. Students who receive academic accommodations complete the same course requirements as all students, and accommodations will not interfere with the fundamental requirements or objectives of the course. Academic accommodations are meant to provide equal access to students.

Students who would like more information about receiving academic accommodations can contact the AAR Director at academicaccessibility@asbury.edu or (859) 858-5283. Disability information will remain confidential unless permission is given by the student or where disclosure is required by law. Documentation is housed in the Academic Accessibility Resources office. Documentation will be kept five years past graduation and three years past transfer or withdrawal. See more at www.asbury.edu/academics/resources/academic-accessibility/

Center for Career and Calling

The Center for Career and Calling exists to assist students in developing effective career decision-making and employment skills reflective of God’s unique calling on their lives.

The Center for Career and Calling offers the following resources for students:

  • Online Job Postings - Access online internship and job board at asbury.edu/career (postings from employers specifically interested in candidates from Asbury).
  • Career Resources and Job Preparation - Access online career resources on our website, asbury.edu/career.
  • One-on-one Consultation - Schedule a free one-on-one consultation with a Career and Calling staff member at career-calling/appointments.
  • Career Assessment Tools - Career assessment costs: MBTI and Strong Interest Inventory $12; StrengthsFinder $10.

Go to asbury.edu/career for additional information and online resources or contact us at careerandcalling@asbury.edu or campus ext. 2401.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity, the embodiment of the moral and spiritual principles to which we adhere, is the essential basis of the Asbury University academic community. Integrity, as partially defined by the Student or Program Handbook on Community Life Expectations, is “both knowing the right thing to do and doing it regardless of the circumstances.” This definition may be applied to all of the scholastic interactions of the academic community. Every member of the community shares responsibility for maintaining mutual trust, respect, and integrity. Violations of such trust and specific acts of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action.

Definitions of Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty can be defined as any type of cheating relative to a formal academic requirement. Academic dishonesty is typically thought of first as plagiarism. Plagiarism, whether intentionally or unintentionally, occurs when credit is taken for what someone else worked hard to discover and record if there is no clarification from where or from whom information is taken. Plagiarism is the use of another’s ideas, words, thoughts, or organization without appropriate credit and documentation when used for a project, paper, presentation, or exam.

More examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: unauthorized collaborations, fabrications of data, unauthorized access to sources on an exam, excessive revision by someone other than the student, re-use of previous work without permission, and other situations described by faculty for specific purposes.

Appeals Process

Students desiring to appeal a determination of academic dishonesty will follow the ‘Academic Appeals Procedure’ below.

Determination of Academic Dishonesty and Consequences

Faculty will address suspected occurrences of academic dishonesty as follows:

  1. The faculty member will meet with the student individually to discuss the incident. At the faculty member’s discretion, the department chair will either be notified of the meeting or be asked to be present for it. The student will be informed of the department chair’s involvement.
  2. At the faculty member’s discretion the student will receive a lowered grade, an ‘F’ or 0% on the assignment in question.
  3. Within 2 weeks of the incident the faculty member will report the details in writing to the Registrar, including the course number/title, section, type of academic integrity violation, timeline, and actions taken (academic and otherwise). The Registrar maintains record of reported academic integrity violations and will notify the faculty member as to the number of offenses on record for the student.
    1. If the incident is the student’s second offense of academic dishonesty as verified by the Registrar, the student will meet with the Dean of the college or school where the most recent incident occurred. At the Dean’s discretion, the student may be given an ‘F’ in the course.
    2. If the incident is the student’s third offense, the student will be suspended from Asbury University.

Academic Appeals Procedures

This section of the Academic Catalog exists to enable students to resolve academic concerns.

For all other non-academic concerns and complaints, contact the Office of Student Life.  Procedures for the complaint resolution are available in the Office of Student Life, online in the Student Handbook at asbury.edu/complaint-policy, or email DeanofStudents@asbury.edu.


  1. The contact procedure for appeals should begin with the faculty or office where the issue originated. Use the following contact procedure for specific issues.
    • Suspension (Academic or Chapel) A student who is placed on Academic or Chapel Suspension may appeal in writing to the Provost to be permitted to continue enrollment for the next semester. To file an appeal, continue with Step 2 below. If permission to enroll is granted, the student’s status will be become “academic probation” and/or “chapel probation” and will include all requirements of the probationary status.
    • Academic Course (academic integrity, class assignments, grades, materials, or procedures) First contact the faculty member instructing the class and then, if no resolution is achieved, contact the chair of the department within which the faculty member teaches. If still unresolved, refer the issue to the Dean of the College or School where the department is housed. If still unresolved, refer the issue by written appeal to the Provost. Continue with Step 2 below.
    • Graduate Program Requirements First meet with the academic advisor or with the Program Director supervising the graduate program. If still unresolved refer the issue to the Dean of the College or School where the department of the program is housed. If still unresolved refer the issue by written appeal to the Provost. Continue with step 2 below.
    • Foundations Undergraduate Requirements First contact the Registrar. The Registrar may review the matter with the department chair supervising courses in that area, or the Liberal Arts Council. If still unresolved, refer the issue by written appeal to the Provost. Continue with Step 2 below.
    • Major or Minor Undergraduate Requirements First meet with the academic advisor or with the department chair who supervises that major or minor. If still unresolved, refer the issue to the Dean of the College or School where the department is housed. If still unresolved, refer the issue by written appeal to the Provost. Continue with Step 2 below.
    • Transfer and Other Credit Sources (including AP, IB, AICE, CLEP) - First contact the Registrar. The Registrar may review the matter with the department chair supervising courses in that area, or the Liberal Arts Council. If not resolved, refer the issue by written appeal to the Provost. Continue with Step 2 below.
    • Cross-Cultural Engagement (CCE) First submit a CCE Appeal Form to the Cross-Cultural Engagement Director to be reviewed by the CCE Committee. If still unresolved, refer the issue by written appeal to the Provost. Continue with Step 2 below.
    • Chapel Record First appeal to the Chapel Attendance Office and then, if no resolution is achieved, contact the Vice President of Student Life. If still unresolved refer the issue by written appeal to the Provost. Continue with Step 2 below.
    • Other academic policies, procedures and requirements not listed above - First contact the Registrar. If not resolved refer the issue by written appeal to the Provost. Continue with Step 2 below.
  2. Letters of appeal should be addressed to appeal@asbury.edu Clearly state issue of concern, provide the background and timeline, and indicate the desired change or outcome.
  3. Letters of appeal for Suspensions, academic or chapel, should be filed within 10 calendar days of notification of suspension.
  4. Letters for all other non-suspension appeals should be filed within thirty calendar days of the conference with the faculty member or office where the issue originated.
  5. The Provost will review the written appeal and if unable to resolve the matter, will refer the academic matter to a faculty taks force comprised of Academic Policies & Curriculum Committee members. The student will receive a decision in writing. The decision of the Academic Policies & Curriculum Committee task force will be considered final.

Withdrawal from the University


  1. A student may completely withdraw from the University any time before the end of their final class period of the semester (prior to the first day of final exams).
  2. To completely withdraw from the University a student must complete the appropriate form or written request to the Office of the Registrar.  Email registrar@asbury.edu for withdrawal information.
    • Withdrawal requests must be made by the student only, and to the Registrar’s Office. Advisors, instructors, adminstrative offices, coaches, resident directors, or other staff members cannot withdraw a student [except in case of administrative withdrawal; see below]. Notifying any of these persons does not constitute an official withdrawal from the University.
    • A student who stops attending classes without giving official withdrawal notice to the Registrar’s Office will remain registered and receive grades of ‘F’ at the end of the semester. 
  3. The official date of withdrawal is determined by the student’s date of notification to the Registrar’s Office.
  4. A student who officially withdraws from the University after the end of the Drop/Add period is assigned the grade of ‘W’ in all scheduled courses in the current term which are in process or are still scheduled to start.
    • Grades of ‘W’ do not factor into the calculation of the GPA but will factor into satisfactory progress for financial aid.
    • The student will keep any final grades that were posted for classes that finished prior to the withdrawal date.
  5. Courses registered for the next or future terms will be unregistered. Withdrawing may affect future financial aid.
  6. Tuition reduction in charges percentages for a student who withdraws from the University are described in Financial Information - Undergraduates  and Financial Information - Graduate Students . See also Financial Aid Refunds .
  7. Students who withdraw from the University are no longer Asbury University students and therefore a letter of good standing cannot be issued to another institution.
  8. All students who withdraw from the University in a fall or spring semester must re-apply and be readmitted to register for any subsequent semester - even the next immediate semester.
  9. Students who withdraw or become inactive must reenroll within two years of the last term attended to continue on the same year Academic Catalog degree requirements. Students who reenroll after the two years become subject to all catalog degree requirements in place at the time of reenrollment.
  10. Students with any break in enrollment in certain programs may be subject to new requirements mandated by outside accrediting agencies upon reenrollment, even within this two year period.
  11. NOTE: Returning students may not reenroll in a degree program, major or minor that has been discontinued. Returning students in such programs must declare a current active program at the time of readmission. 

To withdraw from a single class without withdrawing from the University, see Course Withdrawals (undergraduate students)  or Course Withdrawals (graduate students) .

Administrative Withdrawal

The Provost, or his designate, may, in his sole discretion, involuntarily withdraw a student for the following reasons: (1) academic reasons; (2) financial reasons; (3) administrative reasons; (4) disciplinary issues, including but not limited to violation of University policies and regulations; and (5) failure to attend class and/or engage in coursework. Students who do not attend the first two*​ weeks of any class may be administratively dropped from their courses, and students who fail to engage in coursework totaling 14 days in a 15-week course (or 2 total days in an 8-week course) may be administratively withdrawn from the university (all courses).

An administratively withdrawn student will receive posted grades of ‘Withdraw’ (W) and a ‘Withdrew’ comment and effective date on his/her transcript.  Students who are administratively withdrawn are wholly responsible for any and all consequences of their withdrawal, including but not limited to the need to reapply for any future enrollment, transcript notations, and financial obligations such as tuition, room and board, financial aid or student account.

*Consistent with reporting attendance for students to receive financial aid.

Non-Returning Students - after finishing the semester

Students who know, upon finishing the current semester, that they do not plan to return for the next regular semester (Fall or Spring) are asked to inform the Office of the Registrar of this fact. The Registrar’s Office will inform the other campus offices of the student’s decision not to return.