Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Degree Requirements - Graduate Programs

Student Responsibility

Fulfillment of all program requirements is the student’s responsibility.
Asbury provides academic advising resources for students, such as Degree Progress Audit, Major/Minor/Program Sheets, and Academic Advising. While these and other academic support resources are available to students, they are intended as student planning tools only and do not constitute final official degree requirements. The responsibility for understanding and fulfilling all degree requirements rests entirely upon the student. Any error in printed materials or digital/online records should be reported immediately by the student to the Registrar’s Office.

Graduate Degree Requirements

Students must meet the following minimum degree requirements in all master’s programs. Each graduate program may have additional or stricter requirements than outlined below.

  1. Completion of required total credit hours of graduate level coursework (minimum of 30 hours or more) as set by the specific graduate program and degree.
    1. Graduate students are expected to complete approximately 65% or more of all program course requirements as a student at Asbury University. See ‘Graduate Transfer Credit’.
    2. No more than 9 graduate credits may be shared and count towards a second master’s degree.
  2. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 in all coursework.

  3. Successfully complete all program requirements within 6-9 years (depending on the program) from date of first enrollment in the specific graduate program. Students taking longer must apply through their program director to request an extension of academic time.

  4. Students are expected to graduate under the requirements of the Academic Catalog in effect at the time of first enrollment. (note exceptions)

    • Students may elect to graduate under new requirements placed in effect while enrolled.

    • Students who withdraw or become inactive must re-enroll within two years of the last term attended to continue on the same year catalog degree requirements.

    • Students who re-enroll after two years become subject to all catalog degree requirements in place at the time of re-enrollment.

    • Graduate students with any break in enrollment may be subject to new requirements mandated by outside accrediting agencies upon re-enrollment, even within the two-year period.

    • Returning students may not re-enroll in a degree program that has been discontinued. Returning students in such programs must declare a current active program at the time of readmission.

  5. Completion of all projects, portfolios, comprehensive examinations or assessment tests as required by individual graduate programs or the University administration.

  6. Approval for graduation by the graduate program faculty in the student’s specific School or College.

  7. Complete a Degree Application form with the Registrar’s Office for the correct academic/commencement year of their expected graduation date by the posted deadline (generally, Oct. 15th for December graduation, and Feb. 1st for May or August graduation). See Academic Information for Graduate Students  for more details.

  8. Be approved at the vote of the Faculty Assembly for degree conferral.

The Degree Application link will be emailed from the Registrar’s Office based on student’s remaining requirements and graduation date.  Students may email Registrar’s Office for Degree Application information when reaching fulfillment of all requirements.


See specific requirements for each Graduate Program and Degree

Business M.B.A and M.S.A.C. degrees

Communication M.A., M.A.C., and M.F.A. degrees  

Education M.A. and M.A.T. degrees   

Education Ed.S. degree        


Graduate Business - Granting the M.B.A. or M.S.A.C. Degree

  1. Maintain a 3.0 grade point throughout the program.

  2. Successfully complete all program requirements in a maximum of 6 years from date of first enrollment.

  3. Minimum of 36 hours of graduate credit for the M.B.A. degree; minimum of 33 hours of graduate credit for the M.S.A.C. degree.

  4. Approval for graduation by the program faculty.

  5. Submit a Degree Application showing course plan for final requirements, in the Registrar’s Office by posted deadline for the commencement year and their expected graduation date (Oct. 15th for December graduation, and Feb. 1st for May or August graduation).

The Degree Application link will be emailed from the Registrar’s Office based on student’s remaining requirements and graduation date.  Students may email Registrar’s Office for Degree Application information when reaching fulfillment of all requirements.

Admissions Information for the MBA Program  

Graduate Communication - Granting the M.A., M.A.C, or M.F.A. Degree

  1. Successfully complete all program requirements in a maximum of 6 years from date of first enrollment for the M.A. or M.A.C. degree, or 8 years from date of first enrollment for the M.F.A. degree.

  2. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00.

  3. Minimum of 30 hours of graduate credit for the M.A. or M.A.C.; minimum of 42 hours of graduate credit for the M.F.A. degree.

  4. Approval for graduation by the program faculty.

  5. Submit a Degree Application showing course plan for final requirements, in the Registrar’s Office by posted deadline for the commencement year and their expected graduation date (Oct. 15th for December graduation, and Feb. 1st for May or August graduation).

The Degree Application link will be emailed from the Registrar’s Office based on student’s remaining requirements and graduation date.  Students may email Registrar’s Office for Degree Application information when reaching fulfillment of all requirements.

Admissions Information for the Graduate Communication Program  

Graduate Education - Granting of the M.A. or M.A.T. Degree (Gate 6)

The actual granting of the M.A. or M.A.T. degree requires completion of the following:

  1. Successful completion of all coursework in a maximum of 6 years from the date of first enrollment.

  2. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00.

  3. Minimum of 30 hours of graduate coursework.

  4. Successful submission of Exit Professional Portfolio.

  5. Successful completion of Action Research and Project Presentation.

  6. Approval for graduation by the program faculty.

  7. Submission of a Degree Application showing course plan for final requirements, in the Registrar’s Office by posted deadline for the commencement year and expected graduation date (Oct. 15th for December graduation, and Feb. 1st for May or August graduation.

The Degree Application link will be emailed from the Registrar’s Office based on student’s remaining requirements and graduation date.  Students may email Registrar’s Office for Degree Application information when reaching fulfillment of all requirements.

Admissions Information for Graduate Education Master’s Programs  

Graduate Education - Post Master’s Completions and Ed.S. Degree Requirements

Exiting the Masters or Post-Masters Principal Licensure Program, Level I (Gate 8)

Exit from Level I of the Principal Licensure Program includes the following requirements:

  1. Successful completion of all coursework in a maximum of 6 years from the date of first enrollment for the M.A. degree, or 8 years from the date of first enrollment for the EdS degree.

  2. 3.00 GPA

  3. Minimum grade of C or better on all coursework

  4. Satisfactory Clinical Performance

  5. Successful completion of Action Research/Capstone Project

  6. Successful completion of Key Assessments

  7. Successful completion of SLLA

In conjunction with completion of the Principal Licensure Program Level I, candidates in the post-master’s program acquire licensure for Level I in:

  • Instructional Supervisor

  • Director of Pupil Personnel

Note: M.A. Principal Licensure program does not result in licensure for Instructional Supervisor or Director of Pupil Personnel. 

Exiting the Principal Licensure Program, Level II (Gate 9)

Exit from Level II Program includes the following requirements:

  1. 3.00 GPA

  2. Minimum grade of C or better on all coursework

  3. Satisfactory Clinical Performance

  4. Work Samples demonstrating application of Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) and impact on student achievement

In conjunction with completion of the Principal Licensure Program Level II, candidates also acquire licensure for Level II in

  • Instructional Supervisor

Granting the Ed.S. Degree

The actual granting of the Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree requires completion of the following:

  1. Successful completion of LDG 781 - Ed.S. Research Project (1) 

  2. Approval for graduation by the program faculty

  3. Submission of a Degree Application showing course plan for final requirements in the Registrar’s Office by posted deadline for the commencement year and their expected graduation date (Oct. 15th for December graduation or Feb. 1st for May graduation).

The Degree Application link will be emailed from the Registrar’s Office based on student’s remaining requirements and graduation date.  Students may email Registrar’s Office for Degree Application information when reaching fulfillment of all requirements.

Admissions Information for Graduate Education Post Master’s Program