Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Traditional Undergraduate Foundations

Traditional Undergraduate Foundations

Courses for Foundations (56) (May vary 44 - 59 due to placement or *prerequisite requirements) See “Undergraduate Degree Requirements” > “Foundations ” for the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Introduction - Engaging Liberal Arts

required for incoming students

SLO 1: Integrating Christian Faith & Cult. (12)

SLO 2: Discovering Human Thought & Creative Expression (12-24)

Satisfy Writing I and Writing II

Complete foreign language:

Satisfy the 201 level in one language by course or placement (3) CHN, FRN, GRK, HEB, LAT, or SPN

  • __ 3* ___ 101 _____________________
  • __ 3* ___ 102 _____________________
  • __ 3   ___ 201 ____________________

*Language 101 and 102 may be waived based on language placement test results. [Language not required of School of Education B.S. majors] 

SLO 3: Engaging Society & Global Responsibility (7)

SLO 4: Achieving Quantitative & Critical Literacy (3-6)

Complete quantitative requirement:

[College Algebra & Pre-calculus do not satisfy the requirement.]

*If ACT/SAT/new SAT Math score of ACT 21, pre-2016 SAT 500, new SAT 530 or lower complete sequence MAT 118 / MAT 119.

SLO 5: Searching the Natural World and the Environment (6)

Complete one science with lab (4 credits total):

  • __ 3-4 BIO/CHE/PHY _______ (lecture)
  • __ 0-1 BIO/CHE/PHY _______ (lab)

Complete health and physical activity

  • __ 1 PE ____ Physical Activity Course
  • [Limit of 4.0 credits of PE may count towards degree total, and no more than 2.0 credits of the PE can be from Varsity Sports participation.]

Complete one Foundations Integration course (3)

Foundations Proficiencies, Placement and Other Requirements

Traditional Undergraduate Foundations Requirements

College Writing, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Physical Activity

Completion of the courses in Foundations is required for the degree (associate or bachelor).

Students with waivers of any Foundations requirement must still meet the minimum credits required for graduation (60 for Associate’s, and 124 for Bachelor’s degree).

Traditional undergraduate students who transfer to the APS program for a degree will be required to complete any different or additional courses for Foundations required in that program.

* College Writing Proficiency and Requirement

  1. All undergraduates must satisfy Foundations Writing requirement of College Writing I and College Writing II.
  2. Prior to being admitted to College Writing II, students must demonstrate the basic proficiency by completing ENG 100  College Writing I or equivalent (an earned grade C or above in first semester Writing I at a regionally accredited university) or present ACT/SAT test scores to determine ENG 100 proficiency.

ACT/SAT test scores used to determine College Writing proficiency:

Students will be placed in ENG 100  with English Test Score of ACT 19 or lower, pre-2016 SAT 500 or lower, or 2016 SAT Reading 27 or lower.

  1. Students placed in ENG 100 must complete ENG 100 before enrolling in ENG 110.

  2. Students placed in ENG 100 will be enrolled concurrently in ENG 100L for the Writing Center.

Students meeting proficiency by ACT/SAT English test scores are placed directly in ENG 110 or ENG 151.

  1. ENG 110  placement for students with English Test Score of ACT 20-25, or pre-2016 SAT 510-650, or 2016 SAT Reading 28-34.

  2. ENG 151  placement for students with English Test Score of ACT 26 or above, or pre-2016 SAT 660 or above, or 2016 SAT Reading 35 or above.

** Mathematics Proficiency and Requirement

  1. All students are required to satisfy Foundations Math by completing MAT 119 , MAT 120  or above, or CSC 121 .
  2. Prior to being admitted to the math/computer classes at Asbury University, students must demonstrate basic math proficiency:
    1. Earning a grade C or above in College Algebra or Pre-Calculus at a regionally accredited university
    2. By presenting a Math test score of ACT 22, pre-2016 SAT 510, or new 2016 SAT 540.
    3. Completing MAT 118  when Math Test Score of ACT 21 or lower, pre-2016 SAT 500 or lower, or 2016 SAT 530 or lower.
  3. Students who successfully complete MAT 118  will continue the next semester in MAT 119 . Successful completion of MAT 119 satisfies Foundations Math requirement.
  4. Students meeting basic math proficiency by test scores or by transfer courses will take a MAT 120  or a higher math or CSC 121  to satisfy their Foundations Math requirement.
  5. Specific math courses above 120 required in a student’s chosen major or minor will satisfy Foundations Math requirement. (Basic math proficiency must be met before registering for math courses in the majors or minors)

*** Foreign Language Proficiency and Requirement

[Note: Students are advised to take a foreign language in high school. New students are expected to take the college administered language placement test during Welcome Week. Students completing two years of a high school foreign language with a grade of ‘C’ generally place into 102. Students completing three years of a high school foreign language with a grade of ‘C’ generally place into 201.]

  1. All students pursuing the A.A. or B.A. degree must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language to the 201 level.
  2. A student meets the foreign language requirement in one of the following ways:
    1. By completing a 101, 102, and 201 sequence of language study at Asbury University.
    2. By transferring a 201 level foreign language course from a regionally accredited university.
    3. By Examination Program scores such as AP or CLEP scores equivalent to the 201 level. Scores from IB (5, 6, or 7) and AICE (A-E) may be considered for the requirement only with verification by student taking Asbury language placement test. Credit from examination programs applies only to the foreign languages offered at Asbury University.
    4. Taking the Department placement test and achieving a placement at the fourth-semester level (202 or above). Placement tests: All students who have had the equivalent of at least one year of a foreign language on the high school level, and who wish to continue with that same language, are required to take a placement examination. Those who achieve placement to the 102 or 201 level are expected to continue their study at the level assigned until the requirement is met. By-passing any course in the sequence will not be permitted without special petition.
  3. Under certain special circumstances, the foreign language requirement for the B.A. degree may be waived:
    1. Students with an unusual background in a foreign language may petition for a language requirement waiver, especially if such competency is in a language other than those taught at Asbury. Approval for the waiver will depend upon evaluation or examination by the Ancient & Modern Languages Department.
    2. International students whose native language is not English may waive the foreign language requirement with approval of the Language Department Chair and successful completion of Foundations requirements in English and Communication.
  4.   American Sign Language may not be used for the foreign language requirement.

^ Physical Education Activity Course Policies

PED 100  and 1.0 credit of physical activity (PE or KHP) are required for graduation in all traditional undergraduate degrees.

  1. The PE activity course should be completed by the end of the sophomore year.
  2. No more than one (1) semester hour of PE credit may be taken in any one semester.
  3. PED 100  is a pre-requisite for all PE activity courses except for PE 108  Varsity Sports. Athletes are still required to complete PED 100.
  4. Letter grades received in the physical education activity classes will be included in determining GPA.
  5. No more than 4.0 credits of physical education activity courses (PE prefix or KHP) may apply toward graduation.
  6. Varsity athletics (PE 108 ) and other approved team sports (PE 109 , PE 110 , and PE 138 ) are not registered credit towards full time status but are added as institutional credit at end of term with completion of season verification from the coach. No more than two credits may be earned from varsity athletics, and no more than three from Roundnet, Cheerleading, or Tumbling Team, with no more than 4 total credits from all PE sources. See PE 108  course description for each sport’s season term designation.